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The ever-increasing cost of general utilities can force your business’ overheads to rocket, and many entrepreneurs aware of their finances are looking for alternative suppliers to cut costs. If you have read our previous article discussing how to switch energy providers, you’ll already know how to cancel your current contract and search for another. But […]

Recent developments in Government taxes have resulted in business energy suppliers listing their charges as different items on your utility bills, which may have caused confusion on where the apparent ‘new’ finances actually stem from. FiT and RO charges are now being shown on your business’ bills and the pricing may have slightly changed as of […]

The ‘big six’ are often discussed in business gas firms, but it may not be obvious on whether your current business gas provider is included in the group. Whether you’re wanting to switch business energy providers or are just interested in who’s got what to offer your commercial property, you’re likely to run into one […]

The journey to becoming a global multi-million-pound business that uses responsible and renewable energy sources isn’t an easy road for a business owner to reach. With non-renewable energy sources being so cheap and readily available, a company’s ethics can be questioned if they chose this route. However, there are thousands of companies worldwide have turned […]

Getting commercial energy solutions from a trusted business energy provider isn’t an easy task and it’s not uncommon for businesses to be paying over the odds for ‘cheap’ energy. Because businesses use much more energy than the average home does, it’s important for you to be getting the best deal. Understanding the rates that you […]

Although many private individuals and families have found a way to reduce the cost of gas and electricity, many businesses in the UK have yet to catch up with the times. Natural gas prices fluctuate from moment to moment and when there is some huge development that cuts off supplies, even temporarily, prices skyrocket. Even […]

As unrest in the Middle East continues to escalate, the price of Brent crude is spiking, causing advances in natural gas in the UK. In the business world this is good news because the net worth of shares on the exchange will rise accordingly. But what does this mean to the average natural gas business […]

The recent spike in natural gas prices in the UK is giving cause for concern to many businesses who depend onbusiness gas prices remaining stable. The surge was as a direct result of a fault in a Norwegian pipeline that is responsible for delivering exports. The reduction in natural gas being delivered along with a […]

In recent months there have been rising concerns as to what the impact of going green will be on businesses in the UK. As more nuclear power is provided at an investment estimated to cost upwards of a £200bn, that expense will be passed on to consumers with higher energy costs. Not only will individuals […]